Get to know me...

A Midwest gal living a simple life in a crazy world and helping others do the same. Teaching others to find the music in their days to the rhythm of healthy habits and simplistic lifestyle. A SAHM married to a first responder, home schooling our kiddos, and going against the grain. Cultivating a home full of faith, music, wellness, and fierce passion.

Rock the Boat

I’m not here to enable you, i’m here to ruffle feathers and make you ask questions and dig deeper into the “why?” of what you believe. 

“If you stand for nothing, what’ll you fall for?” – Hamilton: The Musicial

Knowledge is Power

Years ago I mocked the people living the lifestyle I live now. I called them woo-woo, quack, and conspiracy theorists. The system doesn’t want you empowered, it wants you reliant. Let’s be rebels together!

“They that give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Faith Over Fear

Over the last 4 years I’ve seen people let fear run their lives. Fear of the unknown or fear of little cold. Anxiety plagues the hearts of many.

I’m a firm believer that we should ALWAYS choose faith over fear.

“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. We love because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:18-19

I want to see you find peace in the crazy world by pursuing a simple life.

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Teaching is a passion of mine

Maybe that's teaching you to singor maybe play piano,perhaps even gluten-free baking

I’ve been teaching music for over 15 years; students of all ages. I have a BA in Music from Lake Forest College. And over the years I’ve directed children’s choirs, worked as a vocal coach for musicals, performed in ensembles, shows, and solo recitals. I serve on my church worship team and I’ve even sang for a Presidential Rally for 24K people 


I love food and when I had to go GF over 8 years ago I started teaching myself ways to cook and bake my favorite foods without compromising on the ingredients. Changing my lifestyle and relationship with food was only one step in my journey. I’d love to teach you all about how good habits and a healthy lifestyle can bring so much peace to our lives, as God intended.
