
3 Easy Gluten-free Baking Tips That Actually Work!

When you think about learning how to bake gluten-free does it seem overwhelming to you? Does the idea of switching over to gluten-free foods feel like you’re giving up your favorite foods? Do you think you’ll never get to enjoy “xyz” again?

I’m here to tell you that it isn’t as complicated as you might think, it’s actually very simple. Is there a slight learning curve to baking gluten-free? Sure there is, but that’s what I’m going to tell you about in this blog post.

There are so many flours out there, which one do I choose?

This is one of the most common questions I’m asked. When I started my gluten-free journey over 8 years ago I used a lot of Paleo approved flours, but that just got super annoying and the foods didn’t have the same textures, so I started trying other GF flours and there were only two flour blends that made the cut. The King Arthur Measure for Measure and the Better Batter All Purpose Flour Blend. The flour from King Arthur is the only one I use for my gluten-free sourdough recipes and general baked goods like cookies, pancakes, cakes, what have you. The Better Batter blend is the only one I use for any recipe that calls for yeast because it is lighter and will rise unlike the King Arthur blend.

Whenever I bake with gluten-free flours it’s either too dense or too raw.

This is the biggest learning curve with baking with gluten-free flour, the texture. With gluten-free flours you usually have to add more liquid to the recipes because gluten-free flours are more thirsty than regular flour. For bread recipes or cake recipes you’ll notice that the texture of the batter will be a little thicker so usually upping the liquid just a little bit will do the trick. Most gluten-free recipes will be the correct ratios, so if you are wanting to adapt a recipe you already have to gluten-free, my advice would be to adjust the liquid ratio and pay attention to the texture of your batter.

I want to learn how to bake gluten-free but I don’t know where to start.

If you want to learn how to bake general gluten-free foods without the hassle, check out Meaningful Eats or Iowa Girl Eats. These two gals have so many recipes for baking and cooking that are already gluten-free so you don’t have to do any guess work with the ratios.

If you want to learn how to bake gluten-free sourdough, I got you covered there with my downloadable gluten-free sourdough guide. This step-by-step guide is the easiest to follow! I put a lot of work into developing this recipe and method so you didn’t have to waste you time or money on trying to figure it all out yourself!

I like to keep things simple in our house so if I can use just one or two flours for baking or cooking, I’m all for it. If you’re like me and like to keep things simple, make sure to subscribe below to stay in the loop!

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