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Learn How to Eliminate Gluten and Go Gluten-free With These 11 Simple Steps

Hi reader, if you’re here reading this post you must be looking for ways to go gluten-free. Does going gluten-free seem intimidating to you? Are you wondering where to start?

I’ve been gluten-free for 8 years now and I will say this, my life has been better because of it. You can read about my gluten-free journey and why I choose to go gluten-free here. If you don’t want to read about it you can watch my story below.

But in the meantime, let me give you the 11 easiest ways to eliminate gluten from your lifestyle. These simple steps will be a game changer for your every day life.

Why Go Gluten-free?


1. Better Gut Health

Eliminating gluten from one’s diet can potentially benefit gut health in individuals who are sensitive to gluten or have celiac disease. Gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, can trigger inflammation and damage to the lining of the small intestine in those with celiac disease. Even in non-celiac individuals, gluten sensitivity may lead to digestive discomfort and inflammation. By removing gluten-containing foods, individuals may experience relief from symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, thereby promoting better gut health. [Source: Beyond Celiac – https://www.beyondceliac.org/gluten-free-diet/overview/]

2. Lowers Inflammation

For those with celiac disease, gluten ingestion induces an immune reaction against the body’s own tissues, resulting in chronic inflammation and damage to the small intestine. In non-celiac individuals, gluten sensitivity may also lead to inflammation and discomfort. By avoiding gluten-containing foods, individuals can prevent the activation of the immune response and subsequently reduce inflammation. [Source: Harvard Health Publishing – https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/going-gluten-free-just-because-heres-what-you-need-to-know-201302205916]

3. Improved Energy Levels

Eliminating gluten from your diet can boost energy levels, particularly for individuals sensitive to gluten or those with celiac disease. For people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivities, gluten triggers an immune response that damages the small intestine’s lining, impairing nutrient absorption and energy metabolism. Similarly, non-celiac individuals with gluten sensitivity may experience fatigue due to inflammation and digestive issues. [Source: Mayo Clinic – https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/gluten-free-diet/faq-20057813]

4. Skin Health

Cutting out gluten from one’s diet can lead to improvements in skin health. Skin health is linked to our gut health and liver and how our body can process the foods you ingest. As talked about in the above paragraphs, the inflammation in the gut caused by gluten is linked to many chronic skin issues. When ingesting gluten it can trigger an inflammatory response that shows up in the form of skin conditions. [Source: Beyond Celiac – https://www.beyondceliac.org/celiac-disease/related-conditions/dermatitis-herpetiformis/

5. Weight Managment

Sourdough bread, especially when made with traditional fermentation methods, may support healthy blood sugar levels and weight management due to its unique characteristics. The fermentation process in sourdough breaks down some of the carbohydrates and gluten, which can make it easier to digest and may result in a lower glycemic index compared to regular bread. This means that GF sourdough bread can cause a slower and more gradual rise in blood sugar levels after consumption, which is beneficial for blood sugar control. Additionally, GF and regular sourdough’s complex carbohydrate structure and higher fiber content can promote feelings of fullness and satiety, potentially aiding weight management by reducing overall calorie intake. [Source: Harvard Health Publishing – https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/is-sourdough-bread-good-for-you]

Now that you know some of the benefits of eating gluten-free, what are the steps you can easily take to start eating gluten-free?

  1. Educate yourself: Learn about foods containing gluten and how to identify them on ingredient labels.
  2. Focus on naturally gluten-free foods: Incorporate fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, dairy, nuts, seeds, and gluten-free grains like rice and quinoa into your diet.
  3. Read labels carefully: Look for gluten-free labels or ingredients like “gluten-free oats” to ensure products are safe for consumption.
  4. Cook at home: Prepare meals from scratch using fresh, whole ingredients to have better control over what you eat.
  5. Be cautious when dining out: Ask questions about ingredients and preparation methods at restaurants to ensure gluten-free options.
  6. Avoid cross-contamination: Use separate utensils, cutting boards, and cooking surfaces when preparing gluten-free meals to prevent contamination from gluten-containing foods.
  7. Choose gluten-free alternatives: Explore gluten-free versions of bread, pasta, flour, and other pantry staples available in many grocery stores.
  8. Be mindful of hidden sources of gluten: Watch out for soy sauce, marinades, dressings, and processed foods that may contain hidden gluten.
  9. Plan ahead: Always have gluten-free snacks and meals readily available to avoid being tempted by gluten-containing foods.
  10. Seek support: Connect with support groups, online communities, or healthcare professionals who can provide guidance and encouragement on your gluten-free journey.
  11. Learn to bake and cook your favorite gluten-free recipes!

Now that you have my easy steps to follow what next?

Get started. You have to make the decision to cut out gluten. If you’re looking for support while you cut out gluten I’m your gal. Make sure you subscribe to my blog below, but also make sure to follow me on Youtube and Instagram so you can keep up with all my gluten-free recipes and tips.

If you’re already gluten-free and looking to bake some great GF Sourdough bread, you can grab my Gluten-free Masterclass here. You’ll learn how to make the most perfect and easy GF Sourdough bread ever.

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